Feb 17, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Departmental Honors
To be eligible for the History Department’s honors program, a student must have:
- Completed all the core requirements for graduation in the College of Liberal Arts by the end of the junior year
- Completed two semesters of Western Civilization, two semesters of the U.S. Survey, and four other courses, of which one must be a Research and Method seminar (HIST 480 or HIST 481)
- Achieved a university cumulative average of 3.0 and a 3.3 cumulative average in history courses through the junior year
A student who wishes to write an honors thesis should seek out a supervisor willing to direct the honors thesis. After receiving the approval of a supervisor, the student must apply in writing to the undergraduate studies committee for admission to the honors program, preferably before beginning the student’s senior year.
An honors candidate enrolls in HIST 490 (Honors Thesis), usually in the second semester of the senior year, under the direction of his or her supervisor. The honors thesis is a research paper, generally 40-60 pages in length. Acceptance of the thesis by two of the three members of a readers’ committee is required for honors.
The requirements for receiving a diploma with honors in history are:
- Satisfactory completion of all university and department requirements for graduation
- A 3.0 cumulative average for all university courses and a 3.3 cumulative average in all history courses through the senior year
- Satisfactory completion of the senior honors thesis as outlined above
ProgramsMajorMinorCourses- HIST 101 - Introduction to Historical Thinking and Analysis
- HIST 115L - Survey of South Asia
- HIST 125L - Jerusalem: Sacred Space, Contested Space
- HIST 150 - Food and Empire
- HIST 152 - Crime, Corruption, and Scandal in Historical Perspective
- HIST 160L - East Asian Civilizations to 1850
- HIST 161L - East Asian Civilizations since 1850
- HIST 171 - Leeches to Lasers: Medicine and Health in the United States
- HIST 173 - Baseball and American History
- HIST 175 - Comic Books in America: The History of Comic Books and American Society since 1938
- HIST 178 - Special Topics in History
- HIST 182 - Touring the City: An Introduction to Public History
- HIST 185 - Mascots, Monuments, Massacres: Native American History in the Public Sphere
- HIST 186 - Road to Black Lives Matter: History of Violence Towards African Americans
- HIST 190G - Witchcraft in European History
- HIST 210L - Labor and Working Class History in the United States
- HIST 211 - Europe to 1600
- HIST 212 - Modern Europe
- HIST 213 - World History to 1800
- HIST 214 - Modern World History
- HIST 219 - History of the Mediterranean
- HIST 220 - History of European Empires
- HIST 225L - Berlin: Crossroads of History
- HIST 230L - Ancient Egypt
- HIST 233L - The Homeric Warrior
- HIST 251L - South Asia and the Indian Ocean World
- HIST 252 - African History to 1800
- HIST 253 - African History since 1800
- HIST 255L - Gods and Slaves: Latin America before 1800
- HIST 256L - Skyscrapers and Shantytowns: Latin America since 1800
- HIST 262L - American Indian History to 1783
- HIST 263L - Modern American Indian Social and Political History: From the American Revolution to Standing Rock
- HIST 265 - American History before 1877
- HIST 266 - American History since 1877
- HIST 271 - Survey of Afro-American History
- HIST 275L - Learning to Labor: Work and Education in US History
- HIST 276 - This Land is Your Land: A Survey of American Environmental History
- HIST 278L - Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies
- HIST 280 - Special Topics
- HIST 285L - Food in American Culture
- HIST 290G - Globalization in Historical Perspective
- HIST 301L - Ancient Greek History
- HIST 302L - Roman History
- HIST 303L - The Archaeology of Ancient Greece
- HIST 304 - Early Middle Ages: Europe 300-1000
- HIST 305 - Later Middle Ages: Europe 1000-1450
- HIST 306L - The Archaeology of Ancient Rome
- HIST 307 - Renaissance and Reformation
- HIST 311L - The Fall of Rome
- HIST 312 - Cities in Early Modern Europe
- HIST 313 - Nineteenth Century Europe
- HIST 314 - Health and Healing in Early Modern Europe
- HIST 315 - Europe 1900-1945
- HIST 318 - Advanced Topics in History
- HIST 322 - Shakespeare’s London
- HIST 324 - Russia and the Soviet Union: From the 1917 Revolution to Putin
- HIST 326 - Hitler, A Man and His Times
- HIST 330 - The French Revolution
- HIST 331 - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity? A History of Modern France
- HIST 337 - Making a “Second Sex”: Women and Gender in Modern European History
- HIST 339 - “Naturally Chic”: Fashion, Gender, and Nationalism in French History
- HIST 342 - Cinema in Hitler’s Germany: Movies, Propaganda, Politics in Weimar and Nazi Germany 1919-1945
- HIST 343 - World War II: The Global War
- HIST 346 - Women & Gender in African History
- HIST 347 - Feast to Famine: Food in African History
- HIST 349L - The Cold War: Rise and Fall
- HIST 350 - Mexico since 1850
- HIST 351 - Histories of Brazil
- HIST 352 - Topics in African History
- HIST 357 - The Vietnam War
- HIST 359L - Women in Modern China
- HIST 360L - Traditional China
- HIST 361L - The History of Modern China
- HIST 363L - Modern Japan
- HIST 364L - India since 1857
- HIST 365L - Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan in Modern History
- HIST 368 - Antebellum African American History
- HIST 371 - The American Revolution, 1763-1789
- HIST 372 - The Early Republic
- HIST 375 - The US Civil War and Reconstruction
- HIST 377 - The American Progressive Era, 1890-1920
- HIST 378 - Colliding Cultures: America in the 1920s
- HIST 380 - The United States Since 1945
- HIST 384 - E Pluribus Unum?: American Immigration and Ethnicity
- HIST 387 - US Foreign Policy since 1898
- HIST 388 - American Soldiers in American Wars: History and Memory
- HIST 390L - Working-Class Boston
- HIST 392 - American Women in Biography
- HIST 395 - The History of Boston
- HIST 402L - History of US Visual Media
- HIST 411L - Post 9/11 Culture: Rumors, Stories and Songs
- HIST 413 - Saints, Witches and Heretics
- HIST 433 - Mussolini
- HIST 440L - United States in a Global Context
- HIST 456 - Faith and Politics in Islam
- HIST 462 - A Nation in Turmoil: The United States, 1815-1850
- HIST 468 - Age of FDR: America in Depression and War
- HIST 478 - Special Topics Seminar in History
- HIST 481 - Research & Methods: Senior Research Methods in History
- HIST 487 - Cooperative Education/Internship, History
- HIST 488 - Independent Reading
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