Dec 05, 2024  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MBAMGT 673 - Clean-Energy Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

3 Credit(s)

Entrepreneurship is about inventing and implementing: creating a vision and organizing an imitative or venture to make it happen. Some of the most successful entrepreneurial ventures today revolve around technologies that advance a renewable energy economy, including innovations in energy capture and in solar, bio-fuels, smart-grid, wind, energy efficiency, LEED building techniques, electric transportation, and more. These are part of a growing Clean Energy economy in the Boston region, which reflects the broad movement for environmental and Social Sustainability - those companies and corporate endeavors to pursue ‘net zero’ impacts on our consumerism and material usage. That perspective reveals the huge entrepreneurial opportunities, in all sectors of that growing trend. We define the cluster as including these key sectors: renewable energy; Smart Power, Green Grid, Energy Storage; Energy Efficiency; Air, Water and Waste; Green Building; and Transportation. Overall the cluster - and the course - includes the Sustainability and CSR segment, and a New Economy component that incorporates Slow Food, Long-term Investments, local commerce. In the course, we will take an entrepreneurial look at those companies, through understanding their Business Model, and gaining an understanding of the core technologies that give rise to each of these fields. In the accompanying semester-long project, each students makes on small but tangible contribution to any of the fields they choose.

Enrollment Requirements:
MGT 650 and graduate ENVSCI course
