Feb 03, 2025
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Engineering Physics Major (BS)
Degree Requirements
If this is the student’s only or primary major, the degree requirements below must be completed for graduation. See graduation requirements for more information.
Major Requirements
Complete at least 97 credits from 33 to 34 courses including eighteen introductory courses, nine intermediate and advanced courses, and six to seven concentration courses.
Concentration: Students must choose a concentration from applied physics, computer science, digital electronics, organic chemistry, or physical chemistry.
GPA: A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required from all courses applied toward the major.
Pass/fail: No courses taken pass/fail except for introductory chemistry (CHEM 115 , CHEM 116 , CHEM 117 , CHEM 118 ) and CS 110 may be applied toward the major.
- Students in the organic or physical chemistry concentrations may not appy intoductory chemistry courses taken pass/fail toward the major
- Students in the computer science area of concentration may not apply CS 110 taken pass/fail toward the major
Introductory Courses (52 Credits)
Intermediate and Advanced Courses (27 to 28 Credits)
Concentration (18 to 21 Credits)
Choose a concentration from below.