Feb 01, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Academic Programs, Courses, Policies, and Procedures

Published by the University of Massachusetts Boston, September 2017
Updated April 2018

The content of this publication is managed by Academic Affairs.

Information contained within this catalog is accurate as of the date(s) of publication and subject to change .

Using This Catalog

This catalog contains important information about undergraduate courses, academic programs, departments, policies and procedures, and resources at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Information is organized into sections which can be found using the menu on the left-hand side of all catalog pages or by using the catalog search feature at the top of the menu.

As information presented in this catalog may change after publication, it is recommended that individuals consult relevant university departments and officials when making academic decisions.

Academic Requirements

Information on academic program, school/college, and university requirements can be found two ways using the menu on the left:

  • By looking through the Colleges, Schools, & Departments section which organizes programs by their academic unit; or
  • viewing the alphabetical list of Academic Programs.

The academic requirements listed in this catalog can be used as a guide for completing programs officially declared during the 2017-2018 academic year.

Requirements may be updated mid-year and students should use WISER and Degree Audit to track their academic progress accurately. See Graduation Requirements  for more information.

Course Descriptions

The information in the Course Descriptions section is a snapshot of active undergraduate-level courses offered at UMass Boston and includes details on course topics, requirements, and attributes. Course information is subject to change, and new courses may be added. Students should use WISER course search and the online Course Catalog to ensure accurate course information before enrolling.

Policies & Procedures

The Academic Policies & Procedures and Student Rights & Responsibilities sections contain important information governing the university’s academic regulations and student expectations.

These policies may be updated after publication of the catalog. Students should check with relevant departments to ensure they have accurate policy information.

General Information

Information about the university administration, admissions, costs, financial aid, and academic resources can be found in the corresponding sections of this catalog.

Additional information about the university can be found online at www.umb.edu.