Feb 10, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Criminology and Criminal Justice Major (BA)
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Degree Requirements
If this is the student’s only or primary major, the degree requirements below must be completed for graduation. See graduation requirements for more information. Major Requirements
Complete 36 credits from at least eleven courses including four core courses, one quantitative methods course, one advanced systems of criminal justice course, one advanced criminology course, one capstone, and three to four electives. Pass/fail: Only one course taken pass/fail may be applied toward the major. The capstone course may not be taken pass/fail. Residency: No more than five transfer courses may be applied toward the major. No transfer courses may be applied toward the advanced systems of criminal justice and advanced criminology requirements. Only transfer courses from four-year institutions may count for SOCIOL 351 and the quantitative methods requirement. Internships: No more than one internship may be applied toward the major. Course level: No more than nine credits of 100-level courses may be applied toward the major. Course reuse: Students double-majoring in sociology and social psychology may only apply SOCIOL 101 and SOCIOL 351L toward their program requirements. Students who complete SOCIOL 350 or SOCIOL 352 as part of another major must complete an additional three-credit sociology course in place of the quantitative methods course. Core Courses (12 Credits)
Quantitative Methods Course (3 Credits)
Take one course from the list below. Advanced Systems of Criminal Justice Course (3 Credits)
Take one course from the list below. Advanced Criminology Course (3 Credits)
Take one course from the list below. Capstone (3 to 6 Credits)
Take one internship or senior seminar from the list below. Electives (9 to 12 Credits)
Take four (three if you completed a six credit internship) electives in sociology and criminal justice. Additional courses from the required categories may be applied toward this requirement. Courses may not count for both electives and required courses. |
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